Welcome Home Soldier!

Welcome Home Soldier!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Welcome home soldier!

Three simple words which are ingrained with pride, integrity, sacrifice and long awaited patience to be reunited with your family. These were the words that kept my hope alive as I was deployed overseas various times in various countries but all for the same purpose. Not every military member is lucky enough to return back to their long awaited loved ones and even if they do they don't always come back the same.
 I was a former Marine and served in the military and know firsthand how it can alter one's life in many aspects. This blog is dedicated to those individuals who have served in the armed forces and the purpose of my blog is to depict the obstacles, and sacrifices that come along with being a soldier whether actively serving or not.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris, looking forward to reading your blog for our class. Janet
