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Welcome Home Soldier!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Military training

During military boot camp a soldier goes through many training exercises. Some of these exercises may be a bit extreme, but very useful in the long haul. It prepares soldiers for circumstantial situations that could arise during battle. One of these training techniques is called Taser Training. For trainees this class is not only useful in understanding how to use a taser, but also when a taser should be used as an intermediate level of force.

Another form of training that is vital is the pepper spray training. This training allows for trainees to understand the feeling of pepper spray and also be able to learn to fight against the burning sensation so they can still actively defend themselves. Although some find these videos  to be funny, it is quite serious.

Lastly trainees also go through gas chamber training, all for the same reason as the previous two training's. The gas chamber training teaches a soldier how to properly put on a mask to protect themselves. It also informs them of the chemicals used and the effects of them. It is very important that recruits pay attention to this training and listen to the rules because one wrong mistake you can be in more pain than you need to be. 

The gas chamber is a room that has a controlled concentration of CS (orto-chlorobenzylidene-malononitrile) gas, more commonly known as tear gas. Tear gas is the active ingredient in Mace and used for self defense and for riot control by the police. Tear gas is an irritant; specifically, it irritates mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs, causing tearing, sneezing, coughing, etc. 

All these training techniques increases a soldiers chances to defend themselves. Although it is not the most ideal situation, you will be grateful for the experience and knowledge. You do not have the option to opt out of these training's. They are required unless you have a preexisting medical condition that can have a dangerous effect to your life.

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